This loop starts at the Vélo-rail and takes you along some very pleasant paths through the countryside. With fields and vegetation as a backdrop, you pass through peaceful hamlets.


Leaflet available from the Town Hall, Point I and the Velo-Rail.

Yours steps


1 Follow the railway line for around 100 metres (rue des Volettes). Follow the right-hand bend in rue des Volettes as far as the "La Gîte" crossroads. Continue straight on until you come to a crossroads where you go straight on towards Les Marzelles and then turn immediately left (signposted L'Hermitage, Le Paradis). Take this slightly sloping path and meander through the countryside for 1.3 km until you reach the next junction.

2 Opposite you is a sign indicating La Bretonnière, turn left. Continue straight on for another 1.3 km, then turn right (signposted Champ rouge). Enjoy the beautiful views over La Vie. Continue straight on along the Garouère to reach Les Musardières. Turn left at Pâtis rouge. Continue straight on.

3 When you reach the yield sign at Sainte-Anne des Landes, turn right. Continue straight ahead and turn left as soon as you see the "Dolmen" signs. Continue as far as the Pierres folles dolmen.

4 Then turn right to head for the starting point (rue des Volettes and Vélo-rail).

Points of interest

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